what is ReStore?
how ReStore helps
Builds brighter futures for families
Proceeds from every ReStore purchase help local families build brighter futures for themselves
It helps the environment
Every single item donated to ReStore equals less useable material being thrown into landfill
Every cash donation over $2 is tax-deductible
While your donation helps provide warm, dry homes for others, it provides a tax deduction in your pocket
Donation Pick-Ups
Volunteers can collect donated items, and deliver goods (at a modest cost) that have been purchased from ReStore.
Brand new and ‘gently used’ goods are donated by businesses and the general public and are sold by ReStore at around half the usual retail prices. Interested buyers should regularly visit or follow Habitats ReStore Facebook.
The discounted prices, across goods ranging from bathroom vanities and plumbing supplies to lighting and electrical equipment, keep the costs of building and renovations down during a period of high inflation and cost of living pressures.

Items we are able to accept:
Home & office furniture
Building supplies
Books & DVDs
Good quality bric a brac
Hand tools
Garden tools
Paint under 2 years old
Mattresses - like new

Items we are not able to accept:
Car seats
Chemicals & oils
Bedding (doonas & pillows)
Electric blankets
Gas appliances
Life jackets
Blinds - unless new & boxed

We accept and receive all sorts of furniture and building material donation items! We can also arrange to collect your donations. However, our collections are generally restricted to suburbs within the vicinity of our stores.
For ReStore donations, please email photos & location of items to Sarah:
or call 0412 794 460

contact ReStore
102 Port Road, Alberton, South Australia
Open Mon – Sat, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Contact: Sarah Taylor
Mobile: 0412 794 460
Email: staylor@habitat.org.au